Health Benefits of Resveratrol
What is Resveratrol?
Resveratrol is a nutraceutical that has recently attracted a lot of research attention. In this blog, we will discuss and explain the main health benefits of resveratrol.
Resveratrol is found in many plants, peanuts, and berries. It is also present in red wine (concentration 0.1 – 14.3 mg/L).
It was first isolated in the 1940s when it was noticed that it had the ability to provide plants with resistance to microbial and fungal infection.
Resveratrol was found to be responsible for the “French Paradox”, the observation of an unexpectedly low rate of heart disease among Southern French people who consume a lot of red wine, despite their diet being high in saturated fat. [4]
What are the main health benefits of resveratrol?
In 2003, Dr. Sinclair, from Harvard University, discovered that resveratrol can extend the life span of animals anywhere from 24 percent to as much as 59 percent. He was sure that resveratrol can be just as effective for humans. [2]
Dr. Sinclair discovered, what no one else could, that resveratrol, when tested on a molecular level, was shown to turn on the SIRT1 gene. This is one of the main health benefits of resveratrol.
The SIRT1 gene that is the primary gene related to how quickly we age. It alters gene expression within the brain, heart, and skeletal muscle.
Mitochondria is a small organ in each cell that converts oxygen and food into energy. SIRT 1 can improve mitochondrial function and reduce inflammation.
It can, therefore, influence our health, weight loss, and longevity. This is another important health benefit of resveratrol. [3]
Scientists have long been trying to manipulate this gene, but up until the relatively recent discovery of resveratrol, the only way possible to achieve this was by initiating a semi-starvation condition within the body, known as (CR), or Caloric Restriction.
While this was very effective at manipulating the SIRT1 gene, it obviously was not practical nor particularly pleasant!
We actually can slow down or even reverse the aging process.
Resveratrol has been shown to mimic the effects of caloric restriction, exert anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects.
- Several animal studies and recent human clinical trials have focused on the ability of resveratrol to combat a variety of diseases such as type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, neurodegeneration, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and some types of cancer. [4]
- It also confers cardiometabolic health benefits, which include reducing inflammation autophagy, improving insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis and upregulating mitochondrial biogenesis. [4]
Clinical benefits of resveratrol summarized in [4]:

As we grow old, we become weak and frail.
What exactly happens inside our cells to cause the biological shifts that leads to aging?
As Dr. Sinclair and his group explains [5], as we age, our tiniest blood vessels wither and die, causing reduced blood flow and compromised oxidation of organs and tissues.
Vascular aging is responsible for a constellation of disorders, such as cardiac and neurologic conditions, muscle loss, impaired wound healing and overall frailty, among others.
Muscles begin to shrivel and grow weaker with age.
The process can be slowed down with regular exercise, but gradually even exercise becomes less effective at holding off this weakening.
Sinclair and his team found that this develops when cells start to lose a critical protein known as SIRT1.
- It was proven that resveratrol boosts the activity of SIRT 1, thus it can help with becoming stronger and less frail. [5]
- As a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, resveratrol shows promise in protecting brain cells from damage.
Other benefits of resveratrol include:
- Resveratrol has helped develop better insulin sensitivity and fight complications of diabetes. [4]
- Resveratrol may help relieve joint pain by preventing cartilage from breaking down.
- Resveratrol has shown exciting cancer-blocking activity in test tubes and animal studies. [4]
In summary,
resveratrol has been proven to assist greatly in the following areas of health:
- Powerful cardiac supporter
- Stops free radicals and assists skin health
- Assists blood sugar regulation and diabetes
- 30% slower aging by turning on the Sirt1 gene
- Improves mitochondrial function
- Protects brain cells from damage
- Prevents muscle loss
- Improves memory
- Increases cerebral circulation
- Reduces depression
- Decreases plaques in Alzheimer’s disease [9]
- Improves learning, memory, and mood
- Protects brain from strokes
- Protects against hearing loss
- May help relieve joint pain by preventing cartilage from breaking down
While resveratrol supplements are likely safe for most people, they could interact with certain medications so it’s best to speak to your docto
In conclusion,
there’s no quick fix for slowing the aging process, but a system involving healthy lifestyle choices provides a viable road map that you can follow:
- a healthy diet
- balancing blood sugar
- eating protein in every meal
- eating foods with phytonutrients
- managing stress
- reducing environmental toxins
- exercise and muscle building
- HIGH-QUALITY supplements that rebuild your body and boost your mitochondria (the little organ in each cell that turns oxygen and food into energy).
- Long-Term Resveratrol Supplementation as a Secondary Prophylaxis for Stroke. Fodor,, Oxid Med cell Longev, March 18, 2018
- Future Directions of Resveratrol Research, Devin Wahl, Nutrition and Healthy Aging 4 (2018), 287-290
- Fortifying the Link between SIRT1, Resveratrol, and Mitochondrial Function, John M. Denu, Cell Metabolism 15, May 2, 2012
- The therapeutic potential of resveratrol: a review of clinical trials. Adi Y. Berman, NPJ Precision Oncology1, Article number: 35(2017)
- Rewinding the Clock, E. Pesheva, Harvard medical School, News and Research, March 22, 2018
- Linking DNA Damage, NAD+/SIRT1, and Aging. Guarente, L., Cell Metabolism 20, November 4,2014
- Sirtuins and NAD+ in the development and treatment in metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Kane, A.E., Sinclair, D.A, Cir Res. 2018 Sept 14, 123(7), 868-885
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