Joint Replacement – Should You Do It or Try To Deter It?
Most people, including doctors, do not believe that diet and the right supplements have such a profound effect on our joints, skin, connective tissue or our health in general, despite the accumulating research.
There is a huge gap between the tremendous complexity of the human organism and the rudimentary data on which doctors now base diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.
Most people, rather than following numbers or facts, choose to follow that which is authoritative and familiar.
One national study reported that about one-third of adults and an increasing number of young people have a problem with one or more joints.
Knee pain was the most common complaint, followed by shoulder and hip pain, but joint pain can affect any part of our body, from our ankles and feet to shoulders and hands.
The medical community most commonly recommends the following methods in order to combat joint pain:
- medications,
- injections,
- platelet-rich plasma treatments,
- stem-cells injections,
- cartilage transplants, and
- partial or total joint replacements.
The problem is, however, that none of the above-mentioned treatment options addresses the fundamental cause of joint problems: a lack of nutrients, which causes the body to become unable to rebuild itself.

It is predicted that knee arthroplasty (TKA) will increase nearly five-fold by 2030 to 3.5 million surgeries annually.
Although TKA reliably reduces joint pain, it fails to correct disability due to dramatic declines in lower-extremity neuromuscular function during the early, post-surgical period.
These deficits are never fully remediated, remaining for years after surgery, and contributing to persistent disability.
Also, the big problem with joint replacement surgery is that it is irreversible.
When it is done, there’s no going back.
You must live with the consequences of this surgery for the rest of your life, and it will still not solve the root issue of why your joints started to degenerate in the first place.
Until the root cause is dealt with, your joint problems will keep getting worse even after you get surgery.
If you don’t deal with the root cause of why your joints start to degenerate in the first place, then soon other problems start to show up.
Soon another joint will start to hurt, or you’ll start having problems with your eyes, gums, hair, nails, you’ll start developing more and more wrinkles, your back will start to hurt, and even your internal organs will start to shrink.
So, why not be proactive about your own general health?
Why not learn how to prevent or reverse your problems without waiting for symptoms to show up?
If these symptoms have already started to show up, find out what the root cause is and correct the issue instead of just trying to deal the symptoms.
What are the risks of joint replacement surgery?
There are serious risks of joint replacement surgery, such as:
Side effects of local anesthesia can include:
- headaches,
- trouble urinating,
- allergic reactions, and even sometimes
- possibility of nerve injury.
Side effects of general anesthesia can include
- headache,
- nausea,
- drowsiness,
- sore throat and
- in rare cases a heart attack or stoke (especially if you have a heart disease or lung problems).

Breathing problems
Some people have difficulty trying to breathe deeply after surgery.
If insufficient air reaches the lungs, mucus can build up inside them, and this can lead to pneumonia.
Pain and swelling
Pain and swelling are common after surgery and doctors usually prescribe pain relievers.
Allergic reaction
Some people can have an allergic reaction to the metal components in the joint implant which can even cause a loss of function in the implant area.
Implant failure
A new joint can loosen, wear out, or lose stability. This can cause pain and stiffness after surgery and it may require another procedure to replace it.
Sometimes a person may lose too much blood and need a transfusion. Sometimes blood can pool under the skin and cause swelling.
Another procedure is necessary to release the blood.
Blood clots
If surgery damages a blood vessel or the person does not move for several days after the procedure, blood flow can slow, and a blood clot may form.
If the blood clot breaks free, it can travel to the lungs, heart or your brain and block the flow of blood…it can be life-threatening.

Any opening in the skin can allow bacteria to enter, which may lead to infection.
Signs of infection include redness, swelling, warmth, or fever and chills.
Sometimes a healthy portion of your joint may fracture.This needs to be corrected with wires, pins, metal plates or bone grafts.
A certain portion of your new joint can be dislocated, and if it’s not possible to stabilize it with a brace, another surgery is required to stabilize it.
Change in leg length
When you introduce an artificial joint to your body, especially for hip replacement, a new hip may make one leg longer than the other.
Sometimes your new joint may not become solidly fixed to your bone and will loosen over time, causing pain.
Need for second joint replacement
Your prosthetic joint will wear out and eventually a second replacement may be needed. The second surgery is much harder on your body than the first one.
Also, since joint replacement surgery does not solve the root cause of why your joint started to degenerate in the first place, it is very probable that soon other joints in your body will start to hurt and will have to be replaced as well.
Metal-on-metal complications
Metal-on-metal prostheses are likely to release metal ions into the bloodstream, which can cause inflammation and bone erosion.
Destruction of bone tissue around the replacement joint (osteolysis).
The bone weakens, and eventually the implant can loosen.
Sometimes the weakened bone can break.
Remember, even if the surgery is perfect, you are not rebuilding your joint.

You are only replacing your own joint with an artificial joint.
It should absolutely be considered as a last resort when all else fails.
You should understand that after getting joint replacement surgery, you will not be able to do many activities such as running or playing basketball or tennis.
You always will have to be careful.
After getting a joint replacement surgery, you will officially be disabled.
What is the root cause of why our joints start to degenerate?
The simple fact is that with age and overuse, our joints lose their lubrication and buffering mechanisms.
We’re losing collagen and hyaluronic acid in our body about 10-15% a year, so we are simply drying out and breaking down.
As we lose hyaluronic acid, we lose the ability to hydrate our bodies properly, no matter how much water we drink.
This is why we need to replace these crucial elements that our bodies are made of, primarily collagen, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate.
The problem is, we can’t replace these elements through simply eating healthy food.
Why can’t collagen and Hyaluronic Acid be replenished from food?
1) The body requires the correct ratio of Collagen Type 2, Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Chondroitin Sulfate, and other Glycosaminoglycans in order for them to be recognized by the body, absorbed, and integrated into the body’s chemical functioning. If the body does not absorb and integrate a supplement, it simply passes through the digestive system and is eliminated.
2) Absorption is the key factor. Naturally occurring molecules of collagen and HA are 100 times too big and heavy for the body to absorb. They simply are eliminated in the digestive process. Remember: it’s not what we take, but what our body can absorb that counts.
3) Collagen and HA as they exist in food get destroyed by stomach acids and therefore become unusable by our body. They must be made into a form that starts to get directly absorbed underneath our tongue and goes directly into our bloodstream, bypassing this destructive digestive process.

What are the different types of collagen supplements on the market?
There are many collagen supplements on the market from different sources
- One type of collagen is called undenatured or unhydrolyzed collagen. This type is totally useless because its molecules are too large for our body to absorb. It simply passes through the system without much effect. It’s like trying to pass a basketball through a fishing net: the basketball won’t get through due to its large size in relation to the fishing net’s small openings.
2. The other type of collagen is hydrolyzed collagen.
It most often comes from a cow or a pig source.
Its molecules are still a little too large optimal absorption.
The biggest problem, however, is that this source has collagen type 1 and not collagen type 2, which is what is needed to rebuild our joints.
Also, there is no hyaluronic acid or chondroitin sulfate in this source, which are needed for the body to be able to recognize it and synthesize it.
Because of these deficiencies, this source is not effective in rebuilding our joints or our connective tissue.
3. One other type of the collagen is derived from eggshells and fish.
Again, this contains collagen type 1 not the necessary type 2.
This form does contain trace amount of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate, but they are in very low concentration and therefore not in the correct ratio for effective absorption.

An Innovative, clinically tested solution for joint health
Recently a new collagen source for rebuilding joints, bones, skin and connective tissue has been discovered.
Its efficiency has been proven in randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled clinical studies.
The results from these studies have been so extraordinary that this new source of collagen has been awarded 7 US and International patents and multiple industry awards.
There are no other products, even pharmaceutical ones, that can show similar results. This patented new collagen is manufactured in the USA in an NSF, NSF-Sport, CLP/GMP and OTP certified facility.
It is a total breakthrough.

It is clinically proven to improve joint mobility, reduce discomfort, promote healthy cartilage and connective tissue, and as a side effect it even hydrates and repairs your skin and reduces wrinkles and deep lines from the inside-out… all without injections, surgery, or creams.
It also disables hyaluronidase, a harmful enzyme that destroys hyaluronic acid in your body.
It will help all your joints and connective tissues, including your eyes, gums, skin, nails, and hair.
If you would like to learn how to rebuild your joints naturally and how to look and feel 10 years younger, just visit our website:
Make sure you review the clinical studies, the doctors’ opinions, and the satisfied customers’ reviews.
I am sure you will be impressed.